Lawn & Landscape

1 Gallon $89.95

The beauty of this product is its simplicity.
No need to switch between products when tending to flowering plants and lawns because Lawn & Landscape is beneficial to both. When applied to ornamental plants, Lawn & Landscape delivers the minerals needed to produce healthy foliage and beautiful blooms.

KozGro Organics ingredients are not only beneficial to the plant but also to soil,
so Lawn & Landscape can help to revitalize bald and bare patches of land. The soil building properties of Lawn & Landscape allow soil to stay hydrated longer reducing the amount of water your lawn may need. This makes Lawn & Landscape a must use product in dryer climates or areas where water is restricted throughout the growing season.

The key ingredient in Lawn & Landscape is a high quality humic acid. Humic acid is essential to a healthy plant system as it allows for the plant to absorb nutrients.
This helps to build lush, green grass by providing the vital minerals needed to develop a healthy plant. Humic acid encourages healthy lawns without stimulating fast growth
to keep lawn maintenance manageable.